BSS.ProposalMaker ActiveX Control module version 1.0, build 28062002, under programmin' Implementation Abstract ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- method integer LastError() input none output last error occured method string MakeEncProposal(string) input xml string output encoded and signed xml document method string MakePreSignSeq(string, string) input xml string name of start container (if this param empty proceed with a root) output pre-sign string sequence (see format bellow) property void DestLocation(string) input web server id output none property longinteger parseError input none output last parse error Formats Abstract ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pre-sign string sequence has the following format: size_delimiter_value and does not contains any control characters like TAB, CR, etc., excepting delimiter as | sign. Also it does not contains any spaces in a control block, only in a data (if the data has theirs). Additional DLLs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note, that BSS.ProposalMaker uses MIMECodec.dll for MIMEing data (encode and decode). You need place this .dll into a BSS.ProposalMaker folder or Windows System folder. Remember that MIMECodec.dll uses MFC library statically, this means that you must install MFC's files separately. In any other case BSS.ProposalMaker should cancel a job. Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- the parseError property used only to get an error value by parsing and does not contains significant mean in any another case. therefore, we recommended do not use this property stand alone. please, use it only after LastError property invoked and that returns an error. please, use defined error codes constants (mnemonic) instead numeric ones. this may help you make your code well-readable, more robust and error free. note that numerics may change and mnemonic codes are never makes differ. there is recommended to compare the LastError property with PM_E_SUCCESS first and when the result is FALSE proceed with a next error analyse, if needed. BSS.ProposalMaker Team